You are the change!

Quarantine memory, courtesy of the artist, Milica Janković

From   the   beginning …

 "However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. "
Stanley Kubrick on Fear, Mortality, and the Purpose of Life 1968

Atelie 22 was founded as a nonprofit, non-governmental organization based in Montenegro that for its goal has to create international dialogues between young international and Montenegrin artists. Our mission in to contribute to the cultural scene through variety of exchange programs. We are searching for talented young, emerging artist to become part of our organization, send us project proposals and ideas you believe in. 

Since 2023 we expanded our journey as a publishing house Ltd Atelje A22, dedicated to the translation and publishing of relevant titles from the field of architecture and contemporary art. On our creative journey we have created NARATIV a periodical online art magazine. 

Our work is performed for and with young emerging artists, creating for them the possibility to acquire the knowledge and skills based on their needs and interests. Our organization started as an idea to contribute to the cultural scene of Montenegro by organizing exhibitions, seminars, summer camps in the field of audio-visual art (cooperation of writers, playwrights with visual artists), residence for artists, international summer workshops for the youth in rural areas. It is important to acknowledge that we believe in combining of non-formal, experimental education forms. Since we know from firsthand experience how important it is to broaden young people's horizon and encourage them to understand the very different world around them we are focused on creating new perspectives and showing new ways of thinking and dealing with the problems that are present in now days’ society.

Our main goal is to in cooperate with other similar organizations all around the world in order to gain and share experiences for further development.