Beyond The Surface
Online meetings on the subtle forms of gender-based violence led by psychologist Chiara Silvestri
We want to create a safe space where young people from different social groups will talk about the problems they face in everyday life.
Online workshops will be led by Chiara Silvestri, a psychologist whose experience so far is based on organizing and conducting workshops dealing with issues of gender-based violence, gender stereotypes and the promotion of youth activism on the subject in Albania, Serbia and Italy.
Beyond the surface is a project that aims to empower young people by concentrating on raising awareness about feminism, unhealthy relationships and gender-based violence. The use of photography and video should encourage critical thinking of young people and commitment to gender equality. Workshops will be organized online, once a week / 2h, for a total of four weeks (up to 20 participants). The beginning of the workshops is scheduled for December 2, 2020.
The workshop will address the subtle aspects of sexism and gender-based violence in everyday life, emphasizing how gender stereotypes and their representation in the mass media can contribute to maintaining a sexist and patriarchal society.
The first workshop aims to direct participants to the above topics through a psycho-social theoretical framework and a presentation of the Photovoice methodology to be used during further workshops, to help express our individual and collective experiences. During the first workshop, participants will be asked to realize / single out two photographs related to women's resistance to the topic of gender-based violence (one positive and one negative), which will be used later for analysis.
After analyzing photos themselves, participants will be able to discuss potential solutions and create a final visual collective product. The organizer will be in contact with the group through social media to provide them with remote support in order to create the final product.
Deadline : 01-12-2020
Duration of the program: December 2020. god. - January 2021. Free entry!