Mapping The Space || 1st Young Curators Workshop
Interactive workshop for curatorial practice led by Giulia Perugini
Atelje 22 is pleased to announce the first interactive workshop for young curators with the aim to focus on the process that leads to the organization of a contemporary art exhibition. Participants will be engaged through a theoretical and practical approach, giving them the possibility to experiment in first person with the phases of the curatorial work. This is why the workshop will be divided into three parts.
Who can apply?
The workshop is addressed in particular to aspiring curators, young emerging artists interested in curatorial practices, university and academic students and researchers in the field of culture. Participants whose projects will be selected at the end of the workshop will have the possibility to curate and develop a proposed exhibition in one of the gallery spaces in Montenegro.
How to participate
The event is held online on the Google Meet platform on the following dates: 09-03-2021; 16-03-2021 and 23-03-2021, with the beginning at 6 PM. Each candidate can present their application in the group or alone. Basic use of image editing software (as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator) is required. Deadline to apply: 07-03-2021.
1st PHASE – March, 16th
In the first part of the workshop, different examples of contemporary art exhibitions will be taken into consideration (as solo shows and group exhibitions held in museums or in private galleries). Participants will be invited to think about a project for a personal and ideal contemporary art exhibition. They will be led through the choice of the main theme of their ideal contemporary art exhibition and the choice of the artist/s.
At the end of this phase, each participant should provide: a written concept of the exhibition, a list of artists (if group show is chosen), a list of selected artworks (the ones to be exhibited), a written and visual research that highlights the connections between artists/artworks.
2nd PHASE – March, 23rd
The second phase of the workshop will be focused on the space. All the participants will receive a map, and pictures of space after which will be invited to think about the placement of the artworks in the space. Great importance will be given to the process of placing artworks. At the end of this phase, each participant should provide: a visual project in which each artwork has its own place in the given space, a written explanation of the ideal path that visitors will follow, press material (press release and digital invitation), a short critical text/paper.
3rd PHASE – March, 30th
Participants and their projects will be the focus of the final part of the workshop when participants will have the possibility to take an active part in the discussion, by asking questions.
The workshop will be led by Giulia Perugini, an independent art curator and expert in art didactics for museums, who collaborates with several specialized cultural magazines. Her research moves within art, society and new technologies and their impact on education. Since 2016, she has been a teaching assistant in Art Pedagogy and Didactics, Phenomenology of the image and Semiology of Exhibition Systems, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Macerata, Italy. Since 2019, she has been a teaching assistant in Aesthetics and Cultural Anthropology.